Viraj Steel Working Even During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Neeraj Raja Kochhar

Business Wire IndiaThe stainless steel industry of India is huge in size. Many people are a part of this industry. This industry is responsible for producing crucial stainless steel products which are required on a regular basis.
It is believed by Mr. Neeraj Raja Kochhar, Viraj Group, that keeping this industry running at all times is necessary for getting the stainless steel products as well as for providing employment to the people who are a part of it. The functioning of this industry is important even during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. To keep this industry working even when the lockdown has been imposed due to COVID-19, Viraj Profiles Limited has been operating with full enthusiasm and efforts. Follow Neeraj Raja Kochhar Latest News:
1. Sincerely Working Every Day Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic
The stainless steel industry involves several operations which have to be performed in different ways, says owner of VirajSteel Group – Mr. Neeraj Raja Kochhar. While some of the operations to keep the industry running can be performed through devices like computers and laptops. This industry also includes operations which have to be physically done. The production of stainless steel products and the manufacturing processes are some examples of these operations.
Initially, the COVID-19 pandemic was a major challenge when it came to controlling it. Movements happening across the country meant greater risks of the spreading of this deadly virus. With respect to the stainless steel industry in India, movements are required for carrying out certain operations. This company produced safe conditions which helped it to work every day despite the lockdown followed by the coronavirus, adds Neeraj Kochhar, Viraj Group.
2. Encouraging Employees to Stay Motivated and Mentally Fit
Viraj Profiles Limited is one of the important organizations in the stainless steel industry. This organization understands that the situations which have been a consequence of the coronavirus are not often experienced by many. Staying locked in homes, reducing contact with friends and the known ones, being cautious of the surfaces one is touching are just some of the situations which are being witnessed during the pandemic.
The organization understands that such situations can affect the mental health of the employees. At the same time, the employees may not be able to work with a positive mindset. As is shared by Neeraj Kochhar, Viraj Group, the organization conducted various sessions to motivate and encourage the employees to be positive and hopeful.
3. Creating Flexible Work Conditions for the Employees
In the stainless steel industry, sincere and hard work is required. Along with that physical work is also needed. Viraj Profiles Limited has always been concerned about making the stainless steel industry progress even during the pandemic.
By making work conditions flexible, this organization has made it possible for the employees to engage in physical work during the lockdown. It has also helped the employees in overcoming the barriers of public transport by providing free transportation services. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that Viraj has kept the steel industry running throughout the lockdown.
4. Producing Stainless Steel Products in a Cleaner Environment
According to Neeraj Raja Kochhar’s biography, every incident or situation in life, whether good or bad, can teach us something. According to Mr. Kochhar, the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has taught the importance of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness. The virus is deadly but preventing it is simple just by maintaining a clean environment and developing good habits. In this stainless steel organization, initiatives have been taken to make the work environment cleaner than before. Here, the products are being made with complete safety.
5. Implementing Useful Measures to Prevent Coronavirus
According to Neeraj Kochhar, Viraj Group, the stainless steel industry is very huge. Many employees are a part of this industry. For running the industry despite all kinds of challenges, the health of the employees is crucial. Keeping the same in mind, the founder of the organization has taken all the possible measures to safeguard its employees from getting affected by the COVID-19 causing virus.
The company has been organizing cleaning drills in the workplace at regular intervals to reduce any possibilities of the virus surviving within. All the areas of the workplace are being sanitized. Complete awareness is being provided to the employees to wear masks at all times. For the employees who are unable to smoothly arrange food for their families, the company has provided them with food grains free of cost.
Bottom Line
As per Neeraj Raja Kochhar’s biography, challenges can come in any form. Every challenge can give you an opportunity to learn something useful. The coronavirus pandemic is also a challenge. By dealing with it in the right ways, Viraj Group has kept working every single day during the coronavirus lockdown. With the constant efforts and dedication of this organization, the stainless steel industry kept working with complete potential. Keep yourself updated with Neeraj Kochhar Latest News.