Sri Ramakrishna Hospital: Everything One Needs to Know About Urinary Incontinence and the Need to Undergo Treatment

Business Wire IndiaToday, every 1 in 3 women is dealing with urinary incontinence. Yet only a brief percent of women are getting treated. Here’s what one needs to know about the condition and why getting treated right on time is important. The Department of Uro-Gynecology at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital provides an in-depth look into urinary incontinence and the signs to look for to make an early diagnosis.
Back in the day, urinary incontinence was affected in older women and was quite rare among the young. But due to the fast pace of life and drastic changes in lifestyle now, young women are also facing this issue.
Statistics show that about 21.3% of the whole population is affected by urinary incontinence. But what exactly is this condition?
Understanding urinary incontinence:
Urinary incontinence is referred to as an abrupt loss of urine involuntarily. It is due to the loss of bladder control that is quite common in older women and women who have given birth. Other causes include uterine prolapse and recurrent urinary tract infections. There are a few types of urinary incontinence that can include:
Urge incontinence:

  • This sort of incontinence is distinguished by an urgent need to urinate.
  • Often, this occurs too quickly for one to reach a toilet, resulting in urine leakage.
  • Urge incontinence may result from a condition known as overactive bladder (OAB).
  • OAB could be caused by a variety of factors, including weak pelvic muscles, nerve damage, an infection, decreased estrogen levels after menopause, or a higher body mass index.

Stress incontinence:

  • Urinary leakage during physical activity is commonly the result of stress incontinence.
  • In this form of incontinence, the pelvic floor muscles are weak and no longer adequately support the pelvic organs.
  • This muscle weakness makes it more probable that one will accidentally urinate while moving.
  • Many people experience concerns about urine leakage when they laugh, cough, sneeze, run, jump, or lift.

Overflow incontinence:

  • If one’s bladder is not entirely emptied after each urination, one may have overflow incontinence.
  • Think of the bladder as a juice container.
  • If only a portion of the juice is poured out of the jug, there is still a chance that it will spill as it moves.
  • People with overflow incontinence are susceptible to accidents because their bladders are never entirely emptied.
  • Typically, this results in little volumes of pee pouring out over time as opposed to a single large volume.

Mixed incontinence:

  • This sort of incontinence is a result of multiple factors that all lead to leakage concerns.
  • Mixed incontinence may involve both stress incontinence and a hyperactive bladder.

Signs that indicate urinary incontinence:
The following are common urine incontinence symptoms. Nevertheless, each person may experience symptoms differently. Possible symptoms include:

  • Inability to reach the restroom in time, resulting in a hurry to the restroom and urine loss.
  • Urinary leaks during exercise or movement
  • Urine leakage that impedes activities.
  • Sneezing or laughing can cause urine to leak out.
  • Urinary leakage that began or persisted after surgery
  • A permanent sensation of wetness without the sensation of urine leaking
  • A sense of insufficient bladder emptying
  • Frequent urination

Treatment of urinary incontinence at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital:
Case 1:
A woman with urinary incontinence consulted at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital (, her condition was carefully analyzed, and she was recommended a few medications and lifestyle recommendations. Yet, her condition did not seem to improve, and she underwent transvaginal tape surgical treatment. She is completely recovered now and leading a normal life.
Transvaginal tape (TVT):
Transvaginal taping (TVT) bladder tack is a frequent treatment used to treat urinary incontinence. This is a daycare procedure done under anesthesia in which a small piece of mesh is used to help support the urethra, the tube that drains urine from the bladder. The objective is to support the neck of the bladder, which links the bladder to the urethra. This will prevent urine from escaping out of control.
Case 2:
Two women with urge urinary incontinence concerns reached out to Sri Ramakrishna Hospital; post their diagnosis, gynecologists prescribed a few medications and recommendations for lifestyle. Both the women showed significant improvement within a few weeks, and now they are completely recovered.
Case 3:
A 55-year-old woman, who underwent removal of uterus years ago, reached out to the hospital with difficulty in urinating. She was diagnosed to have bladder prolapse and vault prolapse. She was treated with surgical options and now her condition is completely recovered.
Risk factors that might increase the chances of urinary incontinence:

  • Gender: Compared to men, women are in greater danger.
  • Age: As one ages, the bladder and urethra muscles lose strength. Age-related changes diminish the bladder’s capacity and increase the likelihood of involuntary pee release.
  • Being overweight: Extra weight increases the pressure on one’s bladder and surrounding muscles, causing them to weaken and allow urine to escape when one coughs or sneezes.
  • Caffeine: Increased consumption of caffeine.

Though this condition has no potential complications, it can still significantly affect one’s daily life. Few complications can include:
Skin rashes:
Rashes, skin infections and blisters can develop from persistently damp skin.
Urinary tract infections:
Incontinence raises the likelihood of recurring urinary tract infections.
Impact on one’s personal life:
Urinary incontinence can impact social, professional, and personal relationships.
Important takeaway:
The majority of women deal with urinary incontinence on their own and still refrain from seeking medical help. Women feel embarrassed to speak about this openly. With recent advancements in healthcare, treating urinary incontinence is now simple, one can avail the needed treatment to avoid embarrassment and to lead a normal life.
For those who happen to live in Coimbatore, some of the Best Gynecologists in Coimbatore can be consulted at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. Those who reside far away and seek an emergency consultation for their health difficulties can avail online video consultation. Effective treatment is provided around the clock by the doctors. The services of Sri Ramakrishna Hospital are at par with global benchmarks, ensuring that patients receive the necessary care.