Good News to Indian Chilli Farmers – New Chilli Hybrid NCH-6889 to Give Solution to Black Thrips Menace in Chilli Crop from Nuziveedu Seeds Research

Business Wire India
India wise chilli farmers are suffering with wide damage from new pest Black thrips (Thrips parvispinus). Nuziveedu seeds is a 50 years research company in seeds, identified solution with new chilli hybrid NCH-6889 which will be available to Indian farmers soon. Black thrips is a widespread pest species of quarantine importance and designated as one of the pest species of South East Asia. This new invasive thrips infestation causes significant damage to the chilli crop by mainly colonizing on flowers and underside of leaves while younger ones (Nymphs) restrict themselves to under surface of the leaves. Both adults and nymphs damage plants by rasping and sucking the plant sap. Heavy infestation affects the growth of the plant, flower drop and reduces fruit set and development, ultimately resulting in yield loss. During 2021, heavy infestation of T. parvispinus was observed due to heavy rainfall of North East monsoon in contrast to other thrips species in southern parts of the country in chilli crop. Farmers could not control this new species despite spray of several chemicals and ended with 60-70% crop loss.

Management of Black Thrips:

Incorporation of Resistant or tolerant varieties is the first step to be followed to reduce the damage due to the pest and to further reduce pesticide sprays.

Nuziveedu seeds has developed new chilli Black thrips tolerant hybrid NCH-6889 which it can tolerate Black thrips feeding on leaves and fruits. The hybrid has been tested for performance in last two years of multi location trials in AP and other chilli growing states like MP, Maharashtra and eastern states of India. This proved to be an important tool for farmers looking to reduce the cost of cultivation and for better quality and yield.

About NCH 6889:

NCH-6889 is a high yielding hybrid suitable for all Hot Pepper growing areas of India. It has an excellent fruit quality preferable in all major markets & ensures high returns for the farmers with less maintenance expenses, due to high Black thrips tolerance coupled with LCV disease tolerance which leads to reduced cost of pesticide usage.

Key benefits to farmers with NCH-6889

  • Good tolerance to thrips and LCV
  • Earliness about 10-15 days compared to other available chilli hybrids which gives advantage of early picking leading to early arrival in the market
  • High and quick rejuvenation leading to more pickings
  • High pungency (86344 SHU)
  • High fruit weight due to higher seed count in the pod (80-85)
  • Strong and persistent pedicel with light color
  • Higher yield compared to major competitors (35-40 qtls/acre)
  • High color value (86.16) than major competitors
Big relief will come from Black trips to Indian chilli farmers with the cultivation of NCH-6889 and it saves more than Rs 10000 per acre spraying chemicals cost along with assurance in income earnings to farmers.